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Aug 13, 2005 – Homeward Bound

We had to be up before the birds – 3:30 a.m. – in order to get a small breakfast, identify our bags for loading, and be on the buses for the airport. Naturally, it was another case of hurry up to wait. As we were waiting to board, we were treated to Romanian “wildlife” in the form of roaches by the hundreds. A lady came by with a broom and dustpan every ten minutes, or so, to sweep them up. This put strong punctuation on my general impression of dislike for Romania.

After a long day of flights we arrived back in Chicago where Mária was waiting to take up home. The house was empty; we were on our own, so we did what we could to stay awake. We gave up at about 7:30 local time, having been up more than 23 hours.

Aug 14, 2005

We went to Mass, in Hungarian, at the St Stephen King of Hungary Church, and then to Millennium Park. Zsuzsa had heard from many people on the trip that it was worth seeing. I think she enjoyed it, even though the “bean” was under wraps for polishing.

Aug 15, 2005

I took Zsuzsa to my exercise class, and then to the airport – and life begins to return to normal. Gyuszi is already wondering when my next trip will be.